God is the greatest artist To whom no one can compare, Streaking sunsets very beautiful, Painting rainbows in the air. Brushing green the hillside scene, Blotting blue the sky above, Splashing flowers 'cross the ground beneath, Shading white clouds with His glove. Of the wonders God has made There is none that is so fair As the smile He paints upon your face When you realize He's there. Some of The egelloc stneduts are very faithful ..But there are some they don't even care if there are God..:>They don't even thank God for what ever they have today,...:>But i know All of The egelloc stneduts believed that they have God..:>They just Forgot to thank God ..But for me being One of The egelloc stneduts i need to praise God and for thank him For what ever i have today because i KNow without him i dont know what i am right now,,:>so THANK YOU GOD..:>!!!! ***mel***28> The egelloc stneduts (college students) |
***Welcome to My Blog***

Sabado, Hulyo 30, 2011
all about "GOD"
Miyerkules, Hulyo 27, 2011
All About Love">
This poem is dedicated to my Love one..nakz..:>
A one way love can never thrive;
It needs reciprocation.
And so in order to survive
My love needs affirmation.
So throw your caution to the sky,
And let your heart command.
You'll find that it will not deny
A love which must expand.
Come now, to me, with open arms
And sweep me off my feet;
And then display for me your charms,
To make my love complete.
My one way love will terminate
Without your inspiration.
So, therefore, please reciprocate
With no more hesitation.
It needs reciprocation.
And so in order to survive
My love needs affirmation.
So throw your caution to the sky,
And let your heart command.
You'll find that it will not deny
A love which must expand.
Come now, to me, with open arms
And sweep me off my feet;
And then display for me your charms,
To make my love complete.
My one way love will terminate
Without your inspiration.
So, therefore, please reciprocate
With no more hesitation.
i know some of The egelloc stneduts (college students) have also there love one..:> And i know They doing there best to make there relation more stronger,and there relationship became more longer,,,
***mel***28>The egelloc stneduts (The college Students)
***mel***28>The egelloc stneduts (The college Students)
Martes, Hulyo 26, 2011
happy tuesday evening..:>
Love me when I least deserve it, because that is when I really need it.
- Swedish Proverb
- Swedish Proverb
Love one another but make not a bond of love.
Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.
Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.
Love me when I least deserve it, because that is when I really need it.
I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you.
I love you not only for what you have made of yourself, but for what you are making of me.
I love you for that part of me you bring out.
I love you not only for what you have made of yourself, but for what you are making of me.
I love you for that part of me you bring out.
all The egelloc stneduts (college students) have there own relationship some of them they just have there bf/gf just for them to have a chaperon someone to carry there things or just someone to display.. The egelloc stneduts(college students) like that but i know there are some that they have a relationship just for them to love them the way they wanted to be love not To make there Partner Look like a Pathetic one..:>>
***mel***28>The egelloc stneduts(college students)
***mel***28>The egelloc stneduts(college students)
My Poem to my "CRUSH"
This poem is dedicated to my "CRUSH"
can't hold it any longer
This is driving me insane!
Did you think about what you were doing
When you decided to cause me this much pain?
Quiet, quiet, hush, my dear
For not a soul can know
Hold it in carefully
Don't let your feelings show
You do what's best for you
I'll love you either way
But don't you see this has the potential
To make everything change?
Quiet, quiet, hush, my dear
For not a soul can know
Hold it in carefully
Don't let your feelings show
So go ahead, be happy
It isn't worth the fight
And no matter how you slice it
It still isn't right
Quiet, quiet, hush, my dear
For not a soul can know
This is driving me insane!
Did you think about what you were doing
When you decided to cause me this much pain?
Quiet, quiet, hush, my dear
For not a soul can know
Hold it in carefully
Don't let your feelings show
You do what's best for you
I'll love you either way
But don't you see this has the potential
To make everything change?
Quiet, quiet, hush, my dear
For not a soul can know
Hold it in carefully
Don't let your feelings show
So go ahead, be happy
It isn't worth the fight
And no matter how you slice it
It still isn't right
Quiet, quiet, hush, my dear
For not a soul can know
it in carefully
Until you explode
Until you explode
I know all Of The egelloc stneduts (college students) have there own Crushes But some of them are very showy or what we call a obvious action, but i know there are still The egelloc stneduts (college students) Who Are
are afraid or ashamed to tell to there crushes that they really admire them,although i know some of The egelloc stneduts (college students) are conservative but This is only i can say.. Guys Wake Up this is not the right time for you to still became a conservative person you need sometimes to be a part of our history you need to cope with all the changes in our culture or in our surrounding ,im not telling you to be a liberated but you just need to be "IN"in what we our today...">
***mel***28>The egelloc stneduts
**MY Grandma**
I really miss my grandma so much...so this poem is for you my dear "Lola"
Grandma, I was thinking of you today and a smile tickled my face.
Remembering all the things you taught me, like always to say grace.
I remember sitting in your lap while you read the Bible out loud,
To hear me sing a gospel song made you so proud.
I thought of those Saturday mornings I watched them fix your hair,
I remember crossing the street and hearing GIRL YOU BETTER STOP RIGHT THERE!!!
I remember the goodness you instilled in me though' sometimes it doesn't show,
You played a very special part in my life and I thought that you should know....
My childhood is filled with memories of you that you couldn't buy with all the gold in the world,
And even though' I am all grown up, at heart I will always be GRANDMA'S LIL' GIRL!!!
Grandma, I was thinking of you today and a smile tickled my face.
Remembering all the things you taught me, like always to say grace.
I remember sitting in your lap while you read the Bible out loud,
To hear me sing a gospel song made you so proud.
I thought of those Saturday mornings I watched them fix your hair,
I remember crossing the street and hearing GIRL YOU BETTER STOP RIGHT THERE!!!
I remember the goodness you instilled in me though' sometimes it doesn't show,
You played a very special part in my life and I thought that you should know....
My childhood is filled with memories of you that you couldn't buy with all the gold in the world,
And even though' I am all grown up, at heart I will always be GRANDMA'S LIL' GIRL!!!
... i know some of the egelloc stneduts (college students) also a grandma's girl/boy...I know they really love there grandma that's why if they grand ma died or pass away they really miss her...that's what i felt when my grandma pass by,,but then every time i miss her i just sit at one corner and remember our happy moments when we are together,....i miss you my best "Lola"...
***mel***28 >the egelloc stneduts (college students)
***mel***28 >the egelloc stneduts (college students)
Lunes, Hulyo 25, 2011
All About Our Mother's Kindness
This message describe to Our mother .or i can say its all a poem which i create for my mother..
Mom, you're a wonderful mother,
So gentle, yet so strong.
The many ways you show you care
Always make me feel I belong.
You're patient when I'm foolish;
You give guidance when I ask;
It seems you can do most anything;
You're the master of every task.
You're a dependable source of comfort;
You're my cushion when I fall.
You help in times of trouble;
You support me whenever I call.
I love you more than you know;
You have my total respect.
If I had my choice of mothers,
You'd be the one I'd select! I really Love and admire all the mother most especially my mother because every time i feel down my mother always by my side supporting me..and every time i feel sad she's always there to make me smile and to give me a comport..I LOVE YOU MOM..!!! And I know All the egelloc stneduts ( college students) love there mother too..:> i just want to tell to all the egelloc stneduts please love your mom although i know some of the egelloc stneduts are not that close to there mother please gave them importance because i personally know that your father can ignore you or can hate you but your mother can't do it because there love to there children is very far or can i say very big because they can gave there life for there children ...there love for there children can't paid any cost...
***mel***28>the egelloc stneduts(college students)
So gentle, yet so strong.
The many ways you show you care
Always make me feel I belong.
You give guidance when I ask;
It seems you can do most anything;
You're the master of every task.
You're my cushion when I fall.
You help in times of trouble;
You support me whenever I call.
You have my total respect.
If I had my choice of mothers,
You'd be the one I'd select!
Linggo, Hulyo 24, 2011
blessed sunday..:>

all the egelloc stneduts(college students) need to encounter some challenges for us to be more stronger,,,to be able for us to realize what was the egelloc stneduts life mean..:>we couldn't realize all the things if we cannot still encountered all the hardest things so all i can say what ever challenges might be encountered just be brave to face it all because it is just the only way that can led you to the better way..,,,:>
***mel***28 > the egelloc stneduts(college students)
Huwebes, Hulyo 21, 2011
happy thursday!!!
Before Anything else i would like to greet all the bloggers and all of the egelloc stneduts
Today it was our Prelim exam in our laboratory subject...:>
Monday and Tuesday is our midterm exam all the egelloc stneduts our busy studying their lessons..:>
But then as What i have seen All the egelloc stneduts are very serious that day...
I really trying my best just to pass all my exams.,,because i really want to pass all my subjects as i know all the egelloc stneduts also want to pass because we have the same goal when in comes to work we all wanted to have a stable job..:>
***mel***28>the egelloc stneduts(college student)
Today it was our Prelim exam in our laboratory subject...:>
Monday and Tuesday is our midterm exam all the egelloc stneduts our busy studying their lessons..:>
But then as What i have seen All the egelloc stneduts are very serious that day...
I really trying my best just to pass all my exams.,,because i really want to pass all my subjects as i know all the egelloc stneduts also want to pass because we have the same goal when in comes to work we all wanted to have a stable job..:>
***mel***28>the egelloc stneduts(college student)
Huwebes, Hulyo 14, 2011
***love poems for my only love***
If Only You Knew...
If only you knew,
how my heart overflows with love for you.
If only you could see
the way you fill my hopes and dreams.
You're the owner of my heart,
the ruler supreme.
Even in the dark of night,
I've only to think about you
to feel your loving light
and from this world I drift
feeling as if
I'll never touch the ground again...
If only you knew.
If only you could guess
how I hear your voice when others speak;
for you hold the key to my happiness,
and it's always you my soul seeks.
If only you could feel,
how your very presence
has the power to heal,
all the wounds inside me.
You've made me abandon
the pain of yesterday,
and you've shown me
that the past can no longer
stand in the way
of what I hope to achieve...
If only you knew.
If only you could realize
the way you've shown me
that it's better to give
than to take,
and whatever I do,
I do for your sake. I'm willing to give you my all
and expect nothing in return.
But, oh how I yearn
for you...
if only you knew.
If only you knew,
how my heart overflows with love for you.
If only you could see
the way you fill my hopes and dreams.
You're the owner of my heart,
the ruler supreme.
Even in the dark of night,
I've only to think about you
to feel your loving light
and from this world I drift
feeling as if
I'll never touch the ground again...
If only you knew.
If only you could guess
how I hear your voice when others speak;
for you hold the key to my happiness,
and it's always you my soul seeks.
If only you could feel,
how your very presence
has the power to heal,
all the wounds inside me.
You've made me abandon
the pain of yesterday,
and you've shown me
that the past can no longer
stand in the way
of what I hope to achieve...
If only you knew.
If only you could realize
the way you've shown me
that it's better to give
than to take,
and whatever I do,
I do for your sake. I'm willing to give you my all
and expect nothing in return.
But, oh how I yearn
for you...
if only you knew.
IF you could only see how i really like you how i really admire you but i know you could not love me back so i just stay at the one corner and dreaming of you,,,, i know All the egelloc stneduts (college students) also experienced this kind of felling But we have a different cases,,,,SOme of them succeed ,Some of them are having each other but in my case its impossible,,,, I know all the egelloc stneduts have their partners,,most of them are also like me dreaming for their crushes first but the happy thing is they are now together ,,,
But i also hope and pray that my destiny come it the right time,,,,and in the right condition,,,
But i also hope and pray that my destiny come it the right time,,,,and in the right condition,,,
***mel***28 the egelloc stneduts (college students):>
***ITS ME***
I just want first to congratulate all the "computer science department" for being won the over all champion last JULY 8,2011...!! I am really happy and proud to be one of the computer science students...!!
All i can say is YOU DID A GREAT JOB GUYZ!!!
Before the final announcement of the winners I am really exited yet nervous because i know and i feel that computer science will be the champion because in some other department as what i have see only computer science in the higher level catch the attention of the audience most especially the Judges because other performer they dance movements are boring,,,,,But when the computer science performed wow its amazing..!! i know all the egelloc stneduts have enjoyed the performance of the computer science department,,,But when it comes to the freshmen i dont really expect that they will also be the champion,,,But it maybe unbelievable but they won and they are also a champion,,!!
Now it's time for announcing the winners. All of us are very nervous.
Starting of the freshmen category.
4th place : Education Dept.
3rd place : Criminology Dept.
2nd place : Buss.Ad Dept.
1st place : HRM Dept.
Now from the higher level category..
4th place : Education Dept.
3rd place : Buss.Ad Dept.
2nd place : Criminology Dept.
1st place : HRM Dept.
***mel***28 the egelloc stneduts (college students)
Acquaintance party!!!
Acquaintance party!!!!all the egelloc stneduts(college students) are all exited and happy this day because this celebration have a "disco" this is the time that all the egelloc stneduts are waiting for....Most of the egelloc stneduts are on the dance floor,,We all have a group dance,and most of them are our classmate,..,..
I see the happiness in their faces...And as far as i obsrved most of the egelloc stneduts are good when it comes to dancing,,,
They really love dancing most especially when you are dancing as a group ...
and as what i see all the staff,and all the instructorS of "HERCOR COLLEGE" are also good in dancing they really enjoy that night because most of them are dancing in the dance floor,,and dancing as far as they could,,,,hehehe ,,,,i saw happiness in their faces.,,
And that night all the egelloc stneduts forget fist they problems all the things in their mind was "this is the night lets just forget first our burdens "
And i know all the egelloc stneduts enjoyed that night,,,,It was the unforgettable moment for me,,,,:>
***mel***28 the egelloc stneduts(college students)
I see the happiness in their faces...And as far as i obsrved most of the egelloc stneduts are good when it comes to dancing,,,
They really love dancing most especially when you are dancing as a group ...
and as what i see all the staff,and all the instructorS of "HERCOR COLLEGE" are also good in dancing they really enjoy that night because most of them are dancing in the dance floor,,and dancing as far as they could,,,,hehehe ,,,,i saw happiness in their faces.,,
And that night all the egelloc stneduts forget fist they problems all the things in their mind was "this is the night lets just forget first our burdens "
And i know all the egelloc stneduts enjoyed that night,,,,It was the unforgettable moment for me,,,,:>
***mel***28 the egelloc stneduts(college students)
Miyerkules, Hulyo 13, 2011
****Happy Thursday!!!***
happy Thursday to all the egelloc stneduts(college students) and to all bloggers..!!
As what i see there's a lot of the egelloc stneduts(college students) are paying there accounts in at the cashier..:>
But there are few people is on the line is not a the egelloc stneduts (college students) some of them are the mother of the students..:>I really hate to see that there are mothers who are on the line and paying for there children's account because i know some of the reason is there children don't want to wait a long time to paid there accounts so that instead of them they ask there mother to pay for them...
or some of the reason is they don't trust their children in terms of paying their accounts..:>
that's all i can say...:>
***mel***28 the egelloc stneduts(college students)
As what i see there's a lot of the egelloc stneduts(college students) are paying there accounts in at the cashier..:>
But there are few people is on the line is not a the egelloc stneduts (college students) some of them are the mother of the students..:>I really hate to see that there are mothers who are on the line and paying for there children's account because i know some of the reason is there children don't want to wait a long time to paid there accounts so that instead of them they ask there mother to pay for them...
or some of the reason is they don't trust their children in terms of paying their accounts..:>
that's all i can say...:>
***mel***28 the egelloc stneduts(college students)
Martes, Hulyo 12, 2011
To All my friends!!!
To all the egelloc stneduts(college students) good afternoon...
This all about friendship..:>i know all the egelloc stneduts(college students) also have their friends...Although each of everyone have a friends i know that friends of individual have there differences ..:>But i can
only say that i have a friend that has a big heart and very kind f person,,although i know that each of us will be separated although the bonding will end but the memories we build and the friendship we build what ever tragedy may we encountered still it will remain no one could ever break it and no one could ever get it,...!!
that's called " true friendship" ..:>
***mel***28 the egelloc stneduts(college students)
This all about friendship..:>i know all the egelloc stneduts(college students) also have their friends...Although each of everyone have a friends i know that friends of individual have there differences ..:>But i can
only say that i have a friend that has a big heart and very kind f person,,although i know that each of us will be separated although the bonding will end but the memories we build and the friendship we build what ever tragedy may we encountered still it will remain no one could ever break it and no one could ever get it,...!!
that's called " true friendship" ..:>
***mel***28 the egelloc stneduts(college students)
Good tuesday afternoon classmamtes!!!
hi to all the egelloc stneduts and ti\o all bloggers,,,!!
i just want to share some of the information about the egelloc stneduts..
College life is said to be the most knowledgeable phase in the life of an individual, where he learns a lot about life. At the same time, it is the an enjoyable time, when you make lots of friends, party throughout the night and lose yourself in the bliss that life offers. College life reflects the best years of our life, which once gone, will never ever come back. So, it is advisable to make the most of them. In case you are about to join university and want to have an idea as to how it will turn out to be, go through the given below. They will tell you a lot about college life.
i just want to share some of the information about the egelloc stneduts..
College life is said to be the most knowledgeable phase in the life of an individual, where he learns a lot about life. At the same time, it is the an enjoyable time, when you make lots of friends, party throughout the night and lose yourself in the bliss that life offers. College life reflects the best years of our life, which once gone, will never ever come back. So, it is advisable to make the most of them. In case you are about to join university and want to have an idea as to how it will turn out to be, go through the given below. They will tell you a lot about college life.
***mel***28 egelloc stneduts(college students)
Happy Tuesday!!
HI to all the gelloc stneduts(college students)!!
Its Tuesday again..:>another day for every the egelloc stneduts(college students)..time to continue the"unfinished topic" "the past event Acquaintance party" some of the egelloc stneduts are having there own discussion about the past particular event...And also me and my classmate also our topic is all about the party we are so happy because "computer science department "won an over all champion in the dance competition in every department..so congrats to all the egelloc stneduts in computer science department !!!!
***mel***28>the egelloc stneduts(college students)!!!!
Its Tuesday again..:>another day for every the egelloc stneduts(college students)..time to continue the"unfinished topic" "the past event Acquaintance party" some of the egelloc stneduts are having there own discussion about the past particular event...And also me and my classmate also our topic is all about the party we are so happy because "computer science department "won an over all champion in the dance competition in every department..so congrats to all the egelloc stneduts in computer science department !!!!
***mel***28>the egelloc stneduts(college students)!!!!
Linggo, Hulyo 10, 2011
bless Sunday evening,,,
hi to all bloggers and to all the egelloc stneduts(college students)..:>
Acquaintance part was end last Friday night ,, there's a lot of the egelloc stneduts(college students) attend on that party...:>i just want to congratulate "COMPUTER DEPARTMENT" for being a champion last dance competition..:>to all the egelloc stneduts(college students)of computer science department congrats..:>
after that competition party2x..!!!disco,..!!!!all the egelloc stneduts (college students) are on the dance floor likewise all the staff of hercor college..:>Me and my classmate are also in the dance floor...we danced all together as what i have see most of the egelloc stneduts(college students) are good in dancing..:>that night i am so happy you know why,,?because i saw him...hehehehe
nyt everyone!!!!
***mel****>the egelloc stneduts(college students)
>signing off<
Acquaintance part was end last Friday night ,, there's a lot of the egelloc stneduts(college students) attend on that party...:>i just want to congratulate "COMPUTER DEPARTMENT" for being a champion last dance competition..:>to all the egelloc stneduts(college students)of computer science department congrats..:>
after that competition party2x..!!!disco,..!!!!all the egelloc stneduts (college students) are on the dance floor likewise all the staff of hercor college..:>Me and my classmate are also in the dance floor...we danced all together as what i have see most of the egelloc stneduts(college students) are good in dancing..:>that night i am so happy you know why,,?because i saw him...hehehehe
nyt everyone!!!!
***mel****>the egelloc stneduts(college students)
>signing off<
Huwebes, Hulyo 7, 2011
Hi to All the egelloc stneduts(college students) & to all bloggers,,
I believed that every child has their Guardian Angels..:>And I know some of the egelloc stneduts (college students)also believed in this ..:>Angel Protect every child or baby..:>They can Also protect the egelloc stneduts (college students) only those students that have a Good heart...:>
***mel***> the egelloc stneduts(college students)
I believed that every child has their Guardian Angels..:>And I know some of the egelloc stneduts (college students)also believed in this ..:>Angel Protect every child or baby..:>They can Also protect the egelloc stneduts (college students) only those students that have a Good heart...:>
***mel***> the egelloc stneduts(college students)
***College Life***
Hi to all the egelloc stneduts(college students) and to all bloggers,,:
I know all the egelloc stneduts(college students) are exited for the up coming event tomorrow..:>and i know this is just a temporary happiness because after this event all the egelloc stneduts (college students)needed to go back to the reality that this even will end..:>and they already needed to study because we will have a "PRELIM EXAMINATION" So to all the egelloc stneduts (college students)goodluck and enjoy..:>
***mel***>the egelloc stneduts(college students)
>signing out<
I know all the egelloc stneduts(college students) are exited for the up coming event tomorrow..:>and i know this is just a temporary happiness because after this event all the egelloc stneduts (college students)needed to go back to the reality that this even will end..:>and they already needed to study because we will have a "PRELIM EXAMINATION" So to all the egelloc stneduts (college students)goodluck and enjoy..:>
***mel***>the egelloc stneduts(college students)
>signing out<
***Its All About Me***
hi to all the egelloc stneduts and to all bloggers...:>
As what i have observed all the egelloc stneduts topic today is all about the up coming event"The Aquantance party" all the egelloc stneduts are too exited for this particular event,,,BUT their are some the egelloc stneduts could not attend on this event because of some private reason..:>Even I know this is one of the
Activity in our school i cant still attend because i have a lot obligation even though i really want to attend but i know this is so impossible..:>So to all the egelloc stneduts Goodluck for tomorrow have a nice day...enjoy..:>:>
***mel***>the egelloc stneduts...(college students)
As what i have observed all the egelloc stneduts topic today is all about the up coming event"The Aquantance party" all the egelloc stneduts are too exited for this particular event,,,BUT their are some the egelloc stneduts could not attend on this event because of some private reason..:>Even I know this is one of the
Activity in our school i cant still attend because i have a lot obligation even though i really want to attend but i know this is so impossible..:>So to all the egelloc stneduts Goodluck for tomorrow have a nice day...enjoy..:>:>
***mel***>the egelloc stneduts...(college students)
Thursday afternoon.:>
hellow to all bloggers and to all the egelloc stneduts(college students)..!!!!
this is angel locsin & luis manzano..:>i also like their love team even before they havew a relationship.. i really admired luis manzano... even before...and i know some of the egelloc stneduts(college students) also admired luis manzano because he is so hunk,,can easily get attention for every girls..,,:>aside of his being hunk,,he is also handsome ,kind sometimes naughty,,and i really like the way he smile most especially his joke,,he is a loving son to his momvilma santos,.:>i know some of the egelloc stneduts hate him but most of them like him.Even before i am still young i really like luis manzano..:>until now that i am already the egelloc stneduts..i really admired him and i really like their love team ..one day before i wish to be one of his love team even i know its too impossible ..some people say that i am too ambitious but as what i said i just wish not i really wanted to be right..??:>hehehe
***mel***==the egelloc stneduts (college students)
this is angel locsin & luis manzano..:>i also like their love team even before they havew a relationship.. i really admired luis manzano... even before...and i know some of the egelloc stneduts(college students) also admired luis manzano because he is so hunk,,can easily get attention for every girls..,,:>aside of his being hunk,,he is also handsome ,kind sometimes naughty,,and i really like the way he smile most especially his joke,,he is a loving son to his momvilma santos,.:>i know some of the egelloc stneduts hate him but most of them like him.Even before i am still young i really like luis manzano..:>until now that i am already the egelloc stneduts..i really admired him and i really like their love team ..one day before i wish to be one of his love team even i know its too impossible ..some people say that i am too ambitious but as what i said i just wish not i really wanted to be right..??:>hehehe
***mel***==the egelloc stneduts (college students)
Miyerkules, Hulyo 6, 2011
***"Crazy little thing called love"***
hi to all bloggers and to all the egelloc stneduts(college students)
This movie really inspire me most i really love this movie i know some of the egelloc stneduts(college students) like this movie too,, i love their love team,.,,i just relate in their story,,,some of the egelloc stneduts have their own topic but every where i go i hear some of the the egelloc stneduts talking about their story,,,:>and i hope some of the egelloc stneduts (college students) who still not yet watching this movie please watch it..">hehehehe
***mel***>the egelloc stneduts (college students)
This movie really inspire me most i really love this movie i know some of the egelloc stneduts(college students) like this movie too,, i love their love team,.,,i just relate in their story,,,some of the egelloc stneduts have their own topic but every where i go i hear some of the the egelloc stneduts talking about their story,,,:>and i hope some of the egelloc stneduts (college students) who still not yet watching this movie please watch it..">hehehehe
***mel***>the egelloc stneduts (college students)
Thursday Morning.***
hi to all bloggers and to all the egelloc stneduts (college students)..:>
Its a morning class again..:>we expect that we are late again in our first period class because of some private reason...But thanks God our first period teacher was absent,,,..
Then in our second period we have our quiz and thanks God i got perfect score...:>
I am so happy...i know all the egelloc stneduts (college students) also be happy when they got a perfect good because this is the only way to make prove that you are always listening and this only say that you can do all the impossible things if you are just only sincere and dedicate to that particulat thing..:>
next period another no class again..as what i have see all the egelloc stneduts (college students) are too busy preparing for tomorrow for our aquantance party ..Most of the egelloc stneduts (college students) are practicing their dance step because their will be a competition for tomorrow for every year.. that's why some of the egelloc stneduts (college students) are just staying downstairs and just watching for those the egelloc stneduts(college students) who are practicing ..and most of the the egelloc stneduts(college students) have no class,,,
so GOODLUCK TO ALL the egelloc stneduts (college students) be ready for tomorrow..:>
***mel***>the egelloc stneduts (college students)
Its a morning class again..:>we expect that we are late again in our first period class because of some private reason...But thanks God our first period teacher was absent,,,..
Then in our second period we have our quiz and thanks God i got perfect score...:>
I am so happy...i know all the egelloc stneduts (college students) also be happy when they got a perfect good because this is the only way to make prove that you are always listening and this only say that you can do all the impossible things if you are just only sincere and dedicate to that particulat thing..:>
next period another no class again..as what i have see all the egelloc stneduts (college students) are too busy preparing for tomorrow for our aquantance party ..Most of the egelloc stneduts (college students) are practicing their dance step because their will be a competition for tomorrow for every year.. that's why some of the egelloc stneduts (college students) are just staying downstairs and just watching for those the egelloc stneduts(college students) who are practicing ..and most of the the egelloc stneduts(college students) have no class,,,
so GOODLUCK TO ALL the egelloc stneduts (college students) be ready for tomorrow..:>
***mel***>the egelloc stneduts (college students)
afternoon class..:>
hi to all bloggers and to all the egelloc stneduts(college students)
this is our afternoon class in our laboratory,,,:>all the egelloc students(college students) that has a class in this laboratory i surely assured that they are also freezing,,,hehehee
i feel so sad today because there are is someone who tells about my crush,,,and sasd to say she had already a girlfriend,,,sad but true i am so disappointed all i know he is still single and available hehehe...but its ok that's life i know some of the egelloc stneduts(college students) also encountered this kind of admiration but as what i said thats life just move on and find another one..?hehehehehe tc all the egelloc stneduts(college students) ,,,
***mel***28> the egelloc stneduts (college students)
this is our afternoon class in our laboratory,,,:>all the egelloc students(college students) that has a class in this laboratory i surely assured that they are also freezing,,,hehehee
i feel so sad today because there are is someone who tells about my crush,,,and sasd to say she had already a girlfriend,,,sad but true i am so disappointed all i know he is still single and available hehehe...but its ok that's life i know some of the egelloc stneduts(college students) also encountered this kind of admiration but as what i said thats life just move on and find another one..?hehehehehe tc all the egelloc stneduts(college students) ,,,
***mel***28> the egelloc stneduts (college students)
Lunes, Hulyo 4, 2011
hi everyone.:>
To all bloggers and to all the egelloc stneduts (college students) good morning..:>
I Just want to share my feelings today..:>"IM NOT FEELING WELL" HEHEHE
and i know most of the the egelloc stneduts (college students) are not feeling well too and most of the people...because the weather today is always changing sometimes its too hot ,,to much heat that can burn the skin and sometimes its raining ........so that most of the people got sick like me.... i really not feeling well i got sick since last week..:>but still i can still carry my self hehehe because im not that heavy hehehehe to all the egelloc stneduts always bring your umbrella ,take good care of your health,,,,,,,..:>
ANd today...."Im INLOVE"heheehe just like to the picture and i know most of the the egelloc stneduts are inlove too,,,heheehe but for me this is just only A puppy love like just only an inspiration hehehe..:>so goodluck to me hehehehe
I Just want to share my feelings today..:>"IM NOT FEELING WELL" HEHEHE
and i know most of the the egelloc stneduts (college students) are not feeling well too and most of the people...because the weather today is always changing sometimes its too hot ,,to much heat that can burn the skin and sometimes its raining ........so that most of the people got sick like me.... i really not feeling well i got sick since last week..:>but still i can still carry my self hehehe because im not that heavy hehehehe to all the egelloc stneduts always bring your umbrella ,take good care of your health,,,,,,,..:>
ANd today...."Im INLOVE"heheehe just like to the picture and i know most of the the egelloc stneduts are inlove too,,,heheehe but for me this is just only A puppy love like just only an inspiration hehehe..:>so goodluck to me hehehehe
hi tuesday..:>
hi to all bloggers and to all the egelloc stneduts ,,(college students)
Today was to cold..as what i see most of the egelloc stneduts(college students) are wearing there juckets and most of them are not feeling well like me..:>likewise most of our instructor feel the same way ..:>
This morning in our first period class in our accounting by:maam doce she discussed her past lessons to us as we observed her voice is not normal,,so she told us that she is not feeling well to...as what i see most of the egelloc stneduts are absent ..but most of the the egelloc stneduts even though they are not feeling well they still force they self to go to school because they wanted to learn even they are not feeling well as long as they are in school and they are just present in class..:>thats the egelloc stneduts!!!! so keep up the good work the egelloc stneduts..:>..!!!
Today was to cold..as what i see most of the egelloc stneduts(college students) are wearing there juckets and most of them are not feeling well like me..:>likewise most of our instructor feel the same way ..:>
This morning in our first period class in our accounting by:maam doce she discussed her past lessons to us as we observed her voice is not normal,,so she told us that she is not feeling well to...as what i see most of the egelloc stneduts are absent ..but most of the the egelloc stneduts even though they are not feeling well they still force they self to go to school because they wanted to learn even they are not feeling well as long as they are in school and they are just present in class..:>thats the egelloc stneduts!!!! so keep up the good work the egelloc stneduts..:>..!!!
all about me.:>
hey every one to all bloggers and to all the egelloc stneduts(college students)..
this is me..:>when i was a baby,,:>i really don't believe that i am an the egelloc stneduts(college students) already,,but thanks God i survive for every challenge that i encountered,i really don't believe that there are really big changes when i was still a baby and today that i am already the egelloc stneduts(college students).. before i am so "cute" today i am too "ACUTE" hehehehe but proud to say that i am no longer a child anymore... i am now one of the the egelloc stneduts(college students) that have a lot of dreas in life i hope that God always beside me and may hep me everytime i feel down...and also to all the egelloc stneduts (college students)..who have their dreams...
***mel***28 the egelloc stneduts
this is me..:>when i was a baby,,:>i really don't believe that i am an the egelloc stneduts(college students) already,,but thanks God i survive for every challenge that i encountered,i really don't believe that there are really big changes when i was still a baby and today that i am already the egelloc stneduts(college students).. before i am so "cute" today i am too "ACUTE" hehehehe but proud to say that i am no longer a child anymore... i am now one of the the egelloc stneduts(college students) that have a lot of dreas in life i hope that God always beside me and may hep me everytime i feel down...and also to all the egelloc stneduts (college students)..who have their dreams...
***mel***28 the egelloc stneduts
hi to all blogger and to all the egelloc stneduts(college students)..:>
today is Monday June 4,2011 after our mountain climbing yesterday i got sick because their weather are not good before we arrived there it was too hot then when we are already going home it turns to a rain..so i got sick right now,,,:>we expecting that we have a quiz in our first subject and i am still have a sick But thanks God our instructor was absent,,:>As what i see all the egelloc stneduts(college students) are talking to each other but then they have only one topic and it was our "UP COMING EVENT"
"OUR ACQUAINTANCE PARTY" i know some of the egelloc stneduts are too exited to this particular event,,,but i dont mind them even they are too noisy because i have an headache and a fever... abut thanks God everytime i take my medicine my headache will gone but my fever still remain..:>So good luck to All the egelloc stneduts(college students)
***mel***28 the egelloc stneduts (college students)
today is Monday June 4,2011 after our mountain climbing yesterday i got sick because their weather are not good before we arrived there it was too hot then when we are already going home it turns to a rain..so i got sick right now,,,:>we expecting that we have a quiz in our first subject and i am still have a sick But thanks God our instructor was absent,,:>As what i see all the egelloc stneduts(college students) are talking to each other but then they have only one topic and it was our "UP COMING EVENT"
"OUR ACQUAINTANCE PARTY" i know some of the egelloc stneduts are too exited to this particular event,,,but i dont mind them even they are too noisy because i have an headache and a fever... abut thanks God everytime i take my medicine my headache will gone but my fever still remain..:>So good luck to All the egelloc stneduts(college students)
***mel***28 the egelloc stneduts (college students)
sunday day,,,">
Hi to all blogger and to all the egelloc stneduts(college students)..
Sunday morning we went to sapian together with my friend Jessa..:>We visited my grandmother.:>before we arrived at sapian it was was a sunny day ..we eat many fruits like "BUKO,PINYA"and many more i know some the egelloc stneduts(college students).. wanted to go into some other places just to have a peace of mind or just to rest their mind even for a short tome..:>I really enjoy that day but the sad thing is i got a headache and a got a fever until now,..:>and i am not still review my notes for our short quiz for Monday ..then when we git home i have a lot of carried fruits..:>And i need still to prepare my things for tomorrow...:>
may God bless us the egelloc stneduts(college students)....
Sabado, Hulyo 2, 2011
"thursday night "
hi to all bloggers and to all egelloc stneduts(college students).:
i just want you to meet my FRIEND "leann pimentel "she is so cool..shes my friend since 3rd yr highschool...i cant forget this friend of mine because she have a good heart and she is so kind i know all of egelloc stneduts(college students). have there friends..."> and i know they choosing
the best,,,although they have not complete quality that other people wanted to heve but they can be perfect friend that will always there beside you anytime you need someone to lean on..:>
when i am already one of the egelloc stneduts(college students). we don't even see each other because she stop on her study..but we have still continue communicating each other.i don't have any bad qualities of her i could ever say..shes perfect to me..:>i think i couldn't see anyone like her in my college level ..because being one of the egelloc stneduts(college students).:i think that all of egelloc stneduts(college students).:are serious, dont have anytime t play again like what we are dong before...but then i meet my new friend trisha gudao,,,we become friends and she is too kind all attitude of leann she also have it..and im so thankful thanks God for giving me another good friend..:>
i just want you to meet my FRIEND "leann pimentel "she is so cool..shes my friend since 3rd yr highschool...i cant forget this friend of mine because she have a good heart and she is so kind i know all of egelloc stneduts(college students). have there friends..."> and i know they choosing
the best,,,although they have not complete quality that other people wanted to heve but they can be perfect friend that will always there beside you anytime you need someone to lean on..:>
when i am already one of the egelloc stneduts(college students). we don't even see each other because she stop on her study..but we have still continue communicating each other.i don't have any bad qualities of her i could ever say..shes perfect to me..:>i think i couldn't see anyone like her in my college level ..because being one of the egelloc stneduts(college students).:i think that all of egelloc stneduts(college students).:are serious, dont have anytime t play again like what we are dong before...but then i meet my new friend trisha gudao,,,we become friends and she is too kind all attitude of leann she also have it..and im so thankful thanks God for giving me another good friend..:>
happy saturday to all of you..:>
hellow to all blogger and to all egelloc stneduts.(college students).::>its thursday again i know most of the egelloc stneduts (college students).:are just boarding ,so i know that some of them are going home every friday afternoon ...
and one to go its monday again... i know all egelloc stneduts (college students).:are exited for the coming event our "aquatance " on JULY 8,2011..:>i know some of them are already preparing for there dresses...:>
but after this event we will have our prelim examination i know all egelloc stneduts (college students).:will be getting too busy ,,after the happiness there will be always a replacement by giving all your attention on your study..."and this is the obligation of every egelloc stneduts(college students).: to study..by giving your all attention to your study ..so goodluck to all egelloc stneduts(college students).:just study hard.. Give your Best and just pray to our "MIGHTY GOD"..
and one to go its monday again... i know all egelloc stneduts (college students).:are exited for the coming event our "aquatance " on JULY 8,2011..:>i know some of them are already preparing for there dresses...:>
but after this event we will have our prelim examination i know all egelloc stneduts (college students).:will be getting too busy ,,after the happiness there will be always a replacement by giving all your attention on your study..."and this is the obligation of every egelloc stneduts(college students).: to study..by giving your all attention to your study ..so goodluck to all egelloc stneduts(college students).:just study hard.. Give your Best and just pray to our "MIGHTY GOD"..
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